About the Songbook App

This is a companion app, intended for use with the physical EU Songbook. As such, the app does not contain sheet music or lyrics for any of the songs, but is a convenient introduction to the songbook.

You can use the app to browse categories, or countries, to see which songs belong to each of these. You can read a short text about each song, and learn who wrote the music and the lyrics, as well as open an external Youtube link to hear and see a chosen version of the song.

We hope that you will consider purchasing the physical book so that you can enjoy the songs and sing them with your friends, family and co-workers, or with your students.

Read on below to learn more about the book or click one of the menu buttons to see info about the songs.

After more than 70 years of exchanging coal, steel, and fish in the EU, the time has come for a more soulful exchange: song treasures. The 1st EU Songbook was assembled - independent of the EU institutions - by the non-profit NGO The EU Songbook Association over nine years. It is made for all who wish to exchange differences and share common ground, at home and abroad, via songs.

To ensure both musical quality and broad representation, songs were first nominated by the music communities – choir singers, music teachers and music students - followed by public votes engaging more than 87,000 citizens in the 27 member states. The result is 164 evergreens, six from each nation, grouped in six pan- European categories: 'Freedom & Peace', 'Love Songs', 'Nature & Seasons', 'Folk Songs & Traditionals', 'Faith & Spirituality', and 'Children’s Songs'.

Each song is presented for solo voice, with chords, and with lyrics in both the 25 original languages (spanning three alphabets) and in singable European English, side by side. QR-codes on all scores lead to original recordings, and a mosaic of introductions, crafted by 61 national editors, provides unique access to European (music) history through the centuries.

The EU Songbook is intended for all song lovers in the EU, in candidate states or around the world: for good times and dialogue, concerts, education, festivals, diplomatic engagements, for first-time conversations in a train or café, singing in the shower or on the street. And for singing on Europe Day, May 9th, the European "Dependence Day".

This pioneer project was awarded the European Citizens’ Prize 2023 by the European Parliament.